The Ducharme

Even though some Ducharme d'Amérique are Fiacre Ducharme's or François Repoche named Ducharme’s descendants, most of them come from Joseph-Marie Tétreau named Ducharme, François Charron named Ducharme and Jean-François Provencher named Ducharme. 

Tetreau Ducharme

Baptised in Tessonière on January 8th, 1631, Louis Tetreau emigrated in New France around 1659. On June 9th, 1663 in Trois-Rivières, he married Noëlla Landeau, widow of Jean Beaudoin.

Louis and Noëlla spent most of their lives between Trois-Rivières and Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade. They gave birth to nine children who will then marry with the Jarret-Beauregard, Vanasse, Charron, Benoit-Livernois, Des-marais, Brunet and Tailhandier.

Today, their descendants can be counted by hundred of thousands in North America. Among them, we can find many Ducharme from Joseph-Marie, the 5th son of Louis and Marie-Noëlle. 

Charron Ducharme

Pierre Charron, native of Meaux, emigrated to New France in 1661. As for Catherine Pillard, native of Larochelle, she came here with the first contingent of the Knight's Daug-thers in 1663.

Pierre and Catherine were married in 1665 and gave birth to 12 children who all lived to become adults. So they are at the origin of a large number of Charron and Ducharme families in North America; not to forget the children from their eight girls.

Keep in mind that three of Pierre and Catherine four sons (Pierre, Nicolas and Jean) kept their original name Char-ron, while the fourth (François) adopted the Ducharme's surname that was transmitted to his descendants. 

Provencher Ducharme

Sébastien Provencher is the sole ancestor of all Provencher in North America. Recent findings allow us to believe that he was born in Pithiviers, while Marguerite Manchon, his wife, was born in Athenay in the Loiret, France. More research is taking place to uncover a document that will totally confirm the actual findings.

Sébastien and Marguerite got married in Cap-de-la-Madeleine on January 22nd, 1663.

Jean-François, the third son of Sébastien and Marguerite took on the Ducharme's surname. 


Son of Toussaint Ducharme and Jacqueline Drouet from Paris, Fiacre Ducharme came to New France with the Grande Recrue of 1653.

On January 13, 1659, he married Marie Pacreau who was the daughter of late Jacques Pacreau and Déborah Bolet. From their union, seven children were born.

Fiacre Ducharme died in Montréal, where he was buried, on March 17, 1677. His widow remarried with Antoine Pichou named Duvernay on the following February 14 and died in Montréal on September 5th, 1699.

More Ducharme might also come from François Repoche and Renée Hubert as well as Jean-Baptiste Morin and Marie-Élisabeth Hubert.